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What is a Living Memoir?

Living Memoirs provides an opportunity for individuals to tell their personal narrative through a visual medium. Film is a powerful tool that can have a strong impact on people through combining story with imagery and music to produce a cohesive piece of art. There are so many intriguing people out in the world who hold remarkable insights on life, yet may never have the proper platform to impart their wisdom. Each living memoir will reflect the unique life of the subject through a film that can be shared and appreciated for years to come.

Living Memoir film exampleS:

"Many people around the world know my name.  But almost no one really knows who I am. My professional life has been public and my personal life, private. The creation by Tavi, of a Living Memoir has suddenly allowed me to share me with anybody, in a way that amazingly captures who I am. That this is now possible, is thrilling!"   – Dr. George Spaeth


Why get a Living Memoir?

  • Do you have a story you want to share? Or want to capture the story of a loved one? Living Memoirs provides you with a beautiful short documentary that reflects who you are and shares your life story in an engaging, visually captivating way.

What makes a Living Memoir unique?

  • Living Memoirs is unique because my goal is to not just make a simple historical biography on your life. The goal instead is to construct a captivating narrative at a production value that rivals any high quality film. I will use strong visuals, original music and sound design to compose a story for you to cherish among family and friends, a film you will be proud to show the world.

Living Memoir Package:

Creative Development: 

The process starts through phone/email exchanges get a sense of who you are and begin to develop your story. These conversations will help me creatively shape a visual narrative that authentically shares who you are in a captivating way.  I also will be able create a production schedule detailing interviews and filming locations that can be adapted to fit your schedule.

Production: approx 1 week.

I will conduct in-depth interviews with you covering your early childhood to present day. Additionally, I will shoot footage in various locations to provide visual support for your narrative. I will also obtain any archival material such as photos and home videos to include in the film.

Post-Production: approx 4-6 weeks

The editing process will see all interviews, additional footage and archival material arranged to create a cohesive and engaging short film. Titles, original music and sound design will also be added to make it truly unique and memorable.


The film will be approximately 10-20 min in length. A well-composed short film should convey an intriguing story with lots of insights without diluting the impact with unnecessary details and length.

Package Includes:

  • 10-20 min 4K short documentary 

  • Up to 5 hrs of personal interviews

  • Professional filming, editing, original music and sound design

  • All delivered in either a digital file, usb-drive or DVD if requested


Please email or call (778)-995-5317 for a quote.


Wonder – a Living Memoir of George Spaeth:

Wonder is a short film on the life of George Spaeth. Considered to be one of the world’s leading glaucoma and ophthalmology specialists, he has written 18 books and hundreds of articles published in peer-reviewed journals. George has received countless awards and honors, including the Lifetime Achievement Award from the American Academy of Ophthalmology. He is an international leader, a scientist and also a teacher, having trained hundreds of doctors around the world at his Wills Eye fellowship.

In addition to his accomplishments in the medical field, George is also something of a renaissance man: a poet, pianist, composer and award-winning gardener. To paraphrase Tennyson, George is one who has truly drunk life to the lees. 

The film shares his story as he reflects back on his life. His key to success has always been to maintain a healthy sense of wonder with the world and how it is something that we should all be searching for in life.

Tremendous – a Living Memoir of GREGG Troy:

Tremendous is a short film on the life of Gregg Troy who is extremely accomplished and respected in his career as a swimming coach. He has been the Head Coach for the US Olympic Swim Team. And has created some of the best swim teams in USA from his time at The Bolles School in Jacksonville and also his time at University of Florida in Gainsville. Troy has coached sixty-eight Olympians, and multiple world champions and world record holders.

The film shares his story of how he got his good work ethic from his upbringing, to his love for swimming and his passion in helping create successful swimmers that lead tremendous lives.


I am a freelance filmmaker who is passionate about creating films that inspire and move people. I have directed award-winning films and my work has allowed me to travel around the world. I am extremely excited to create Living Memoir films for people as I know how many stories people have and how important it is to share and commemorate them. I personally handle all aspects of production and treat my films with the care and attention that every unique story deserves.